Culturally Responsive Computing in teacher training: Designing towards the transformative learning of girls in STEM



Culturally Responsive Computing, Professional Development, Girls’ participation in computer science, Intersectionality, Transformative learning


This Design-Based Research (DBR) study was conducted over a two-year period, and investigated the transformative learning of six high school computer science teachers through the application of professional development (PD) training with a focus on Culturally Responsive Computing (CRC). Findings reveal ways in which teachers’ understanding and enactment of CRC in their classrooms led to increased student engagement, knowledge of diverse learning needs, and improved access to cultural resources to specifically meet girls’ needs. The authors discovered positive effects on the teachers’ strategies in the classroom, especially in terms of understanding how historically marginalized students benefit from instruction that considers their cultural practices and gender identities.


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Author Biography

Maha Elsinbawi, Ms.

Maha Elsinbawi is a research coordinator at California State University in Sacramento



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How to Cite

Elsinbawi, M., Norris, A., Cohen, A., & Paley, M. (2023). Culturally Responsive Computing in teacher training: Designing towards the transformative learning of girls in STEM . International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 6(2).