Choreographing increased understanding and positive attitudes towards coding by integrating dance


  • Breeann Flesch Western Oregon University
  • Camila Gabaldón Western Oregon University
  • Matthew Nabity Western Oregon University
  • Darryl Thomas Western Oregon University


STEAM education, coding, increasing representation, dance


Increasing the inclusion of underrepresented individuals in coding is an intractable problem, with a variety of initiatives trying to improve the situation. Many of these initiatives involve STEAM education, which combines the arts with traditional STEM disciplines. Evidence is emerging that this approach is making headway on this complex problem. We present one such initiative, iLumiDance Coding, which attempts to pique the interest and increase confidence of students in coding, by combining it with a fun and physical activity: dance. The connections between dance and coding, while not immediately obvious, are authentic, and we hypothesize that this approach will increase student comfort level with coding. We used student surveys of attitudes toward coding and a variety of statistical approaches to analyze our initiative. Each analysis showed a positive effect on student comfort level with coding. These results are useful for both educators and researchers since they contribute to a deeper understanding of how to increase interest in coding, which we hope will lead to an increase in representation.


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How to Cite

Flesch, B., Gabaldón, C., Nabity, M., & Thomas, D. (2021). Choreographing increased understanding and positive attitudes towards coding by integrating dance. International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 4(3), 31–48.